Snoqualmie Pass Marriage Celebration

Snoqualmie Pass Marriage Celebration

In the words of Sam, “I bet a huge piece of your job is how comfortable you make people.” When they reached out one of the first things Carmen said was “We are a little camera shy and not great in pictures.” It was probably the biggest lie I heard since that girl screamed “2020, best year ever” on New Year's Eve. Really though, there is no such thing as bad in front of a camera, there is bad behind a camera and the sad stories of people who were convinced it was their fault. Carmen and I talked for a couple weeks. We tossed around locations and what they were looking for, then found the perfect spot. Bless their hearts, these two are engaged and managing long distance while Sam finishes his residency on the East Coast. They are excited for him to finish and hopeful to start their lives in our neck of the woods so they truly wanted to explore the area and pay a nod to the next chapter they are eagerly working towards. Looking to embrace the PNW, we headed to Snoqualmie Pass and hiked into Franklin Falls. Little did I know that we were celebrating more than their engagement. Carmen softly asked if she could bring a bouquet because they had actually signed their papers yesterday. I said of course and we enthusiastically made our way in as I told every stranger we passed “They just got married!” Despite early reservations these were absolutely flawless in front of the camera. I can’t express how amazing and natural they were. It seemed instantaneous that they were dancing and laughing. Talking about where they want to live and how excited they are to be together. There were kisses and dips and endless memories made in the woods that day. We made our way out and added one final stop at the top of the windy mountain road to take a few final shots. I knew a lot of things before this shoot but I really want to thank Carmen and Sam for reminding me of a few very important ones.

Always remember love knows no bounds.

Patience is a virtue.

And there is not such thing as bad in front of a camera only behind it. 

Congratulations to the newly weds, I cannot wait to see what life has in store for you. I truly look forward to catching you guys in the future. 

All of the love,
